Tailboard Talks Firefighter Podcast
Wellness, lifestyle, mental health, leadership, conversations, and interviews with experts. Made by firefighters and paramedics for the fire service and those who support it. Some of the best and worst conversations happen at the tailboard so grab some coffee and come chat.
206 episodes
Firefighter diets, GLP-1s, and how Nutrition tanked my gravel race
Keto, paleo, carnivore, intermittent fasting, buzzword, influencer diet, fad, call it what you will but firefighters are suckers for them. Is one diet better than the other, is carnivore the ultimate (mistake) for firefighters? What...
Season 1
Episode 205

What Makes a Good Leader?
Leadership in the fire service can look like a lot of different things. Different styles, tactics, and success rates. Servant Leadership has become popular for a reason and the fireservice has the chance to implement it every day.
Season 1
Episode 204

A Better Way to Workout in Gear
We have both been pretty critical of the working out in gear contingent in the past but times are changing and we have to reevaluate our stance from time to time.We're going over our old arguments against the practice of working out in ...
Season 1
Episode 203

What Doesn't Cause Cancer These Days?
In a world where each new week brings a new risk, what is a firefighter to do? Well, do the things we know how to, control the controllables. Modify the modifiable. Risk is part of the job but so is protecting yourself.
Season 1
Episode 202

A toast to keeping it simple in 2025
Angie does not like new years resolutions. Firefighters do not like new years resolutions. When you can't even figure out what day of the week it is, it really makes January 1 a pretty poor date to try and make any changes.I...
Season 1
Episode 201

Ultimate Last Minute Budget Firefighter Gift Guide
Firefighters are notorious for being hard on their tools. But that doesn't mean you have to spend a ton of money to accommodate the rough use. Finding durable, inexpensive, replaceable tools is a better approach for most of us.<...
Season 1
Episode 200

Introducing, Beyond The Headlines with Chris and Angie
Say hi to the new hosts of Firefighter Nation's latest show, Beyond The Headlines. Angie and I will be talking to authors and contributors to the Firefighter Nation homepage and getting the story behind the article.In this episode...
Season 1
Episode 199

Nobody Can Ruin This Job For You, If You Don't Let Them
Way back in 2022, Curt and I answered a handful of listener questions. The last question was from a person who had some unhappy feelings about paramedic school, job requirements, and some bad characters they had dealt with along the way.<...
Season 1
Episode 198

Squat Ones Episode 1
So there I was, feeling fat, looking for a reason to workout and needing to record an episode. Years ago Joe Galli and I had talked about a Hot Ones type of show but with fitness instead of wings. Well today was the day that it all ...
Season 1
Episode 197

Should You Workout When Feeling Sick?
This episode originally aired in Feb of 2023, and we're still playing the 'sick or allergies' game today. Some firefighters are stingy with their sick time and will always blame allergies no matter how obvious their illness is. Othe...
Season 1
Episode 196

Firefighters Have to Lead in the Station to Lead in the Streets
Informal leadership is the absolute lifeblood of a functioning firehouse. Firefighters want to be counted on in the streets and given massive responsibilities during emergencies. But for an officer to trust you during an emerg...
Season 1
Episode 195

Firefighters Need a Long List of Good to Offset the Bad
This episode was originally titled Diversify Your Happiness and was posted earlier this year. After a short story about Nathan's bike crash record, we talk about building out a list of stuff you can do to get your mind right.Havin...
Season 1
Episode 194

Firefighters Love a Challenge and Hate a Threat
Your ability to consider something a challenge or a threat has direct implications on you success. And as ridiculous as it sounds, your body will fire off different chemicals for challenges than it does for things you consider threats.&nb...
Season 1
Episode 193

Stephanie White Literally Wrote the Manual on Navigating Pregnancy in Firefighting
Stephanie White is the new Managing Editor of FirefighterNation.com. I spoke with her over year ago and we talked about all things pregnancy in the fire service. Her work with the Beltane Guild assisted departments in writing policies and...
Season 1
Episode 192

Suffering Is Not a Prerequisite
Hit the Buy Me A Coffee Button if you like the show!Firefighter Nation launched earlier this month and they're doing some very good things. I'm giving a quick look at their mission and what they are delivering to the fire service....
Season 1
Episode 191

4 Ways to Improve your HOT Drills
This week is all about making training work for you. Three ways that firefighters can increase their success on the training ground and the instructors can set the membership up for success.The original air date of this episode wa...
Season 1
Episode 190

Tips For Teaching New Firefighters
Go to 4thShiftFirefighter.com and download the new free PDF's that are available. Daily DOSE, 14-ish, the Firefighter Wellness Ladder, and the Strength Workout Template.Training new firefighters is a tough task and even harder whe...
Season 1
Episode 189

The Job is Great, It's The Other Stuff That's Not.
No matter your rank, you will eventually asked to do more "Stuff". Whether that's run reports, EMS call review, training audits, lesson plans, or whatever other admin/clerical work needs to get done to keep the wheels moving.That stuff ...
Season 1
Episode 188

Evolve or Fade Away. The Show Goes On.
Thank you for listening, watching, donating coffee money, buying stickers, sharing posts, and sending messages. This podcast is an evolving project and we're entering a new phase of growth.We're also talking about some finer point...
Season 1
Episode 187

Robots vs Firefighters with CoHost Nathan
You'll get it all in this episode. Rankings of the most dangerous robots and monsters, Nathans outlook on firefighter fitness, and at least one complete sentence.Maybe it's true that everything you need to know you learned in kind...
Season 1
Episode 186

Fix Your Back Pain With One Small Step
Prevent, reduce, and even fix your back pain by taking one small half step backwards. The traditional foot position of squatting and deadlifting may be the cause for your back injury. Luckily there is a simple way to adjust that pos...
Season 1
Episode 185

I Broke A Rule and Now I'm Paying For It.
For 16 years of full time employment, Katie and I have done a good job of living within our means. Looking ahead to big purchases and saving or pinching pennies or budgeting so we could either put down a sizable down payment or pay it off...
Season 1
Episode 184

New Firefighter Career Path Planning w/ Curt (race week repost)
Race Week! I'm heading to Lincoln, Nebraska for a 78 mile gravel race and this week has been jam packed. Today alone I bough a new truck, took the truck and camper to the shop to get the hitch adjusted, then sold my old truck to Carmax. &...
Season 1
Episode 183

Your Fitness is Not Your Fire Departments Responsibility
If you give a firefighter ten bucks he'll ask you if you have a 20. It's in our nature to want more, ask for more, and not be satisfied with what we're given. But when it comes to your fitness, the buck stops with you.This c...
Season 1
Episode 182

Things Get Weird Around Promotional Testing Season
Stuff gets weird quick when a promotable position is on the line. Friends become competition and a surprising amount of emails get sent to 'all'I'm going over three things to do and one thing to avoid at all costs during promoti...
Season 1
Episode 181